G. Macy Nelson has successfully litigated environmental cases in the United States District Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, Maryland’s circuit courts, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals, and the Maryland Court of Appeals, as well as administrative agencies. His cases have been at the leading edge of the law.
Environmental Law practice areas:
Environmental litigation
Groundwater contamination
Forest conservation
Surface water pollution
Air pollution
Industrial permits for discharge of pollutants
Nuisances caused by industry
Wetlands permits
Storm water management
Watershed protection
The Law Office of G. Macy Nelson, LLC represents citizens in land use and zoning cases throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C.
Land Use and Zoning Practice areas:
Special Exceptions
Master Plan conflicts
Development Plans
Critical Areas
Contract Zoning
Spot Zoning
Water and Sewer Plan Amendments
The firm’s appellate cases have shaped Maryland’s environmental and land use law. The firm established the precedent that authorizes a citizen to sue the State of Maryland where the State’s failure to enforce environmental laws causes a “taking” of the citizen’s property. The firm’s appellate cases have also addressed: the requirements for a citizen and an environmental organization to have standing in the federal and state courts; the federal Clean Water Act; the test for special exceptions in Maryland; the need to comply with a county master plan; industrial nuisances; and thermal pollution of trout streams in Maryland.